- National Institute of Science Education and Research,
Bhubaneswar, India.
- M. Sc. Research Project, Aug 2014 - June 2016.
- Diagonal suppressed constant time Correlation Spectroscopy
(COSY): Worked on a novel NMR pulse sequence to achieve
diagonal suppressed COSY (correlation spectroscopy) spectra with high
sensitivity and absorptive cross peak line-shapes.
- Carried out simulations and product operator calculations for 2, 3,
and 4 spin systems using the novel NMR pulse sequence.
- Implemented various optimization strategies for the pulse sequence
that included the addition of water suppression module, removing axial
and multiple quantum peaks by using gradient fields, etc.
- Skills Acquired: Acquired programming skills to
program in the TopSpin 2.1 programming language and learned to how to
perform 1D, 2D NMR experiments on a 400 MHz spectrometer.
Detailed Summary
- Please email me for my complete M.Sc. thesis on NMR.