ORP titled, On the inclusion of long-range interactions among molecules in machine learning models.
Developed an ORP on the problem of inclusion of long-range (electrostatic) interactions in ML and DL algorithms. Analyzed different neural network schemes, especially deep high-dimensional neural networks (HDNNs), and whether they can efficiently learn and predict molecular charges learned from various charge partitioning schemes.
Studied different charge partitioning schemes like Hirshfeld, Charge Model 5, Merz-Singh-Kollman, and Natural Bonding Orbital methods used in molecular dynamics simulations.
Proposed modifications to the existing mathematical formulation and structure of HDNNs to be able to better predict molecular charges, the computational cost for implementing the project, potential setbacks, and alternate plans for the project.
Please find the details of my ORP report here.
Sample output generated by the RNN after training on Shakespeare is shown below.
He dew that with merry a man for the strange.
I then to the rash, so must came of the chamuness, and that I'll treason dost
the heaven! how there. The run of these thou instress
Which wast true come come on my tongue.
My lord, the crown English am a thanks, and I
have you weep you galls. O, I wast thy change;
And go turn of my love to the master.'
I'll find by dogs, noble.
The matter were be true and treason
Free supples'd best the soldiered.
I ever a bood;
But one a stand have a court in thee: which man as thy break on my bed
'As oath a women; there and shake me; and whencul, comes the house
For them he wall; and no live away. Fies, sir.
The average precision on different classes are shown below after 55 epochs on Google Cloud (16GB RAM and 1 NVIDIA K80 GPU).
------- Class: aeroplane AP: 0.6468 -------
------- Class: bicycle AP: 0.4247 -------
------- Class: bird AP: 0.3491 -------
------- Class: boat AP: 0.3989 -------
------- Class: bottle AP: 0.1596 -------
------- Class: bus AP: 0.2318 -------
------- Class: car AP: 0.6456 -------
------- Class: cat AP: 0.3552 -------
------- Class: chair AP: 0.4179 -------
------- Class: cow AP: 0.2235 -------
------- Class: diningtable AP: 0.3586 -------
------- Class: dog AP: 0.3028 -------
------- Class: horse AP: 0.6846 -------
------- Class: motorbike AP: 0.5332 -------
------- Class: person AP: 0.7901 -------
------- Class: pottedplant AP: 0.2159 -------
------- Class: sheep AP: 0.2858 -------
------- Class: sofa AP: 0.2924 -------
------- Class: train AP: 0.5996 -------
------- Class: tvmonitor AP: 0.2998 -------
mAP: 0.4108
Avg loss: 0.1801034240768506
Implemented multi-layer neural networks (2 and 3 layers) from scratch on the CIFAR-10 image classification data set, to understand the fundamentals of neural networks and backpropagation.
Developed codes for forward and backward pass, and trained two- and three-layer networks with SGD and Adam optimizer.
Had experience with hyperparameter tuning and using proper train/test/validation data splits.
In this project, we worked with abstracts of research papers published on different aspects of coronaviruses over the years. Our goal was to segement the abstracts into different clusters based on the similarities in the topics that the abstracts talk about.
In this project, we worked with IMDB movie reviews and developed different machine learning models to predict a given review as positive or negative.
In this project, we worked with research papers published on different aspects of coronaviruses over the years. Our goal was to use topic modelling to know different areas each research paper talks about and answer some important questions regarding the viruses.